Saturday 2 April 2016

Hey you scholar people out there! How's life and all huh? Good? Yeah mine is pretty good too (I am lying!)
(I feel terrible, not to be amongst the super gifted people on this planet who score a 100 on 100. I feel terrible when I suck at math. I feel terrible when my friend's life is happening than mine. I feel terrible when my aunt brags about her Human 2.0 version kid and his achievements. Please don't hate me for this, I am just being real! But that's not what you should talk publicly right?) 

Let me keep hand on my heart and be true that whatever I'd write today might not make sense to you or entertain you but yes, before being a writer I am a person, and that too a sensitive one. 
We can be instant best friends if you didn't like calculations in your growing years and was made fun of your short comings. It's not like I have hatred for maths but the point is I do not like it, people joked about that too. I have always been a healthy kid, and people laughed upon that too. It's normal behavior of a human to laugh at the person who falls and then pick him up and ask whether he's fine. I mean yeah! Thanks for asking bro, you care about me and my sentiments way too much. I am not against laughing over the above reasons, I am not envious to other peoples life rather I myself have promised to spread smiles but it kills me each day to see how competitive the world has become. Who's a better player? Who'd score more marks this time? Who'd be chosen over whom? We'll see...
We'll surely see my friend, how a report card can define a child's caliber and capabilities.

Guys, if ever; like ever! You feel weird about yourself, hate your decisions, you are treated as a joke, you ever got bullied or troubled by anybody in any phase of your life let me tell you... You are not just the only one this happens to. Life happens to everyone. If you breakdown some day, you wake up feeling empty, feel immense pain physically or mentally allow me assure you that everything is going to be fine one day. 

Like I said I am a sensitive person at heart. I cry buckets when things go wrong or do not happen the way I planned them. I have always been a cry baby but when I do something good, sometimes even better than everyone else, people come and tell me 'well done.. You proved us wrong'. My answer to this is 'I dont want to prove you wrong, I want to prove my old self wrong who used to think that I wasn't worthy enough. My life was a waste and that old me who believed I couldn't do anything'. And when I learn something new from my mistakes I feel no shame in speaking it out loud. At least by doing so someone might just benefit from it who's equally on the verge of falling down the cliff which I had once or twice fallen and in the third attempt made it to the top. (I am not showing off or something but I do feel that whatever happened to me shouldn't even happen to my enemies if only I have any|wink-wink|).

Pass on love, pass on strength, pass on positivity, pass on smiles... Happiness is contagious my friend. And always see the bright side of life. Look upto your own self and your survival story. And the ones who bring you down are doing their job very efficiently because anybody can pass negativity easily but it takes a genuine person to pass on a good vibe and those kind of people are hard to find. And if you find one then that would be...Such-a-Bliss!

P.S: I really need to go through what I just wrote up there once my results are out in May because I am going to fail miserably *it's not's face-ground*
Until then whatever time I have got with you lovely people, I'd hope and wish you'll love me then like you do now and say she is  Such-a-Bliss!