Monday 10 October 2016

Hello ji..kem che, saaru che, danda leke maaru che! (hehe jaaukkss) how good are you guys doing? I am fine, very good, thankyou very much. First thing's first.. give me a hi to the fi (hi-five) for being such cuties I have ever ever ever met/read. Your love towards my stupid writings dragged me to get back on my mission 'smile please'. Let's quickly get into today's topic. It’s pretty much related to our normal boring lives (atleast mine is boring these days. Why? Long story…some other day). But what I’ll be talking about is ‘TYPES OF FRIENDS’ I have met (Oohhhlala). You'll be like - Do not bore us, what same- same topics every time yaar! (#Meh whatever).

Come on! Let's just accept the universal truth that we like to talk about our friends and who is with whom and he did this and she did that and I miss you and you know what, just fffffff** (too far! too far! too far!) woosshhh! Sorry. So you are getting what I mean right? If not then… leehh go!!

 When we have got into really great friendship and it surpasses the ‘ohhoo bade log, you do not talk to me anymore, I wouldn't talk to you', 'you took my pen and didn't return it', 'chewed my one and only pencil to half', 'gave you to take a bite of my vada pav and you owned it like a boss', 'you mocked me in front of my crush', 'you locked me in the opposite sex's loo', 'you did the mischief and I bared all the punishments’, ‘you spilled water all over my clothes and teased ‘suu kar jara luvkar mala jaychay tujhya nantar’ UUUGGHHH!! The list is endless. Yeah there are some friendships which has no barriers, you can literally fart and be obnoxiously under civilized. That’s the benchmark of long lasting ones. It can be childhood friends, school friends, friends you went to tuitions with, your ‘aahhoo kaki..tyala cricket khelayla pathava na’ friends. Basically all your friends with whom you shared matching under wears and watched Shinchan/tom and jerry/mickey mouse club house/ bob the builder/noddy etc.

These ones are a little too cool for us kind of friends who spoke to us about latest trends, fashion, television series, funky gadgets. Who used to bring that stupid electric pen to give us mini heart attack with ‘aee shock deu kay?’ Mind you, these bunch of people gave me useless ideas just as buying invisible ink pen to copy maths paper.

The naughtiest of all! The terrible group of extremely evil dudes but fun to be with. The last bench federation kind of gang. These guys enjoyed roasting and screwing each and every person’s vivas and orals. Some teachers hated them from the core of their hearts and some loved their awfulness. Their way of enjoying life was on a level 100. Crazy people!  I tell you.

  TYPE NO 4.
Then came a time when we all of us got an upgrade and went to sassy colleges or classes where we met these rich brats. Great clothes, branded shoes, high end mobile phones. You name it and they had it already! Yeaahhh.. the ones who stole all the thunder and grabbed everybody’s attention. I do accept that sometimes…these brats had a life all of us secretly craved and we hated it having compared ourselves to them!!

The cool ones are those who paid for your food. Jk! These guys sat boring lectures with us and added snap stories of it. Even the chapters like world war, derivatives and integration became interesting with them because we never paid attention to what was being taught. (oh now I get it why I suck at numericals and historic dates).

The studious and the gifted ones. Now, these are two different kinds of friends we had. One was the extremely studious (just like Naina in yjhd) and the other category is for the ones who loitered around with us, always did timepass, always gave us company in the exam hall and said ‘chill kar mujhe bhi kuch nai aata’ and then stood first in class! (which was disheartening. You know who you are and you are a really bad person!). You make me lose all the faith in friendship.

The new great friend you got out of nowhere. Nothing’s common between you two but everything seems so perfect. Your college life is incomplete without this person. You go in severe depression if this person doesn’t meet you one day or leaves you alone to attend frustrating lectures. You can share your deepest troubles (which is when you miss your ex, crush, current or you absolutely miss no one) with this person and then go all nuts, laughing your guts out. (Hey there Prachi!). You can laugh and forget that you had a problem to deal with. Doing this therapy might not give answer to your problems but you’ll get immense courage to face it.

Last but not the least, ‘aare.. you know what! Lekha ko mai ne kisi ladke ke sath dekha’ people. The cosmo magazine’s content are nothing in front of the juicy pieces of gossips these gossipers have! If you are a guy and reading this sounds bullshit to you then babe, even you men gossip after getting high. (how do I know? Haha.. I have friends who tell me).

 So children, that’s all for today. If you feel I missed on a type of friend which you are acquainted with then do write to me about it. I know you may have seen videos of youtubers speaking on such topics but I swear none of it is copy paste. I kid you not, I have had these kind of friends in my life and I generally share real life experiences so yeah! none of this is made up.  And a writer like me needs love and never ending support of readers like you. Loads of pyar to you.  Love you a friend, Such-a-Bliss right?! (wink-wink). Ek baat aur.. Gangadhar hi Shaktiman hai!!

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